
Arnaud Begle

Position: Group CEO at Peter Lang

Experienced Executive Investor networked with Family Offices, SMEs and entrepreneurs. Based in French speaking Switzerland. Skilled in Corporate Finance, Strategy, Business Planning, Banking, Venture Capital, Market Analysis, and LBO. A very rich path of experiences created a generalist profile.

#itoday a worldwide community of Innovators

Jennifer Löffler

Innovation Facilitator at itConcept srl

Emilie Boillat

Business Developer at Liip AG

Alexander Sattler

Transformation Consultant - Sattler Consulting

Başak Çevik

Consultant - StratejiCo

Kevin Richard

Senior Designer, UX Strategist

Patrycja Rozmus

Design System Lead - Brainly

Julien Suard

Lead Product Designer UX / UI at Design Sprint Ltd- itoday Conference Organizer

Jonas Vonlanthen

Partner - Liip Digital Progress

Jake Knapp

Creator of the Design Sprint process at Google

Claude-Alain Glauser

Solution Unit Manager at Trivadis

Srini Srinivasan

President - World Design Organization WDO

Daniela Busse (Ph.D.)

Head of Research at eBay

Amritha Narayanan

Product Manager at Pix4D

Alban Vogel

Product Designer - Cleverdist SA

Martin Sandhu

Founder at Nuom

Olivier Chappuis

Innovation Lab Manager at Maxon

Sarah fleury

EPFL Master Student in Management, Technology and Entrepreneurship

Surya Vanka

Founder & Chief Designer at Authentic Design

Jean-Philippe van den Hove

Founder at Alphabeta

Fran Navarro

Product Designer at Accedo

Jeroen Frumau

Owner at Talents-4U BV

Lisa Mo Wagner

Sr. Product Manager at Finiata

Anja Borchhardt

Head of Experience Management at Helsana

Arnaud Begle

Group CEO at Peter Lang

Marc Gruber

Vice President for Innovation at EPFL

Mateo Fernandez

Sr. product Manager at Rootstrap INC

Fabrice Atallah

Head of Innovation and Change Management at Hilti

Mike Caskey

Design Partner, Product Exploration

Lisa Weinsberger

Remote Design Sprint & Innovation Facilitator at Designtribe

Clio Rossier

Freelance - I use my creative mindset, my empathy and my future thinking skills to help you innovate

Christophe Gras

Founder & CEO at

Yves Jobin

Director - Effiquency SA

Eglé Cruchon

itoday Conference Organizer / Office & Event Manager at Design Sprint Ltd

Shaun Miller

Head of Strategy at House

Jen Jeng

Founder and business strategist at Spica Strategy

Ed Orozco

Head of Strategy - WANDR

Julien Guex

Managing director at FIT Fondation pour l'innovation technologique

Nadeem Khalawi


Danella Alfaro

Marketing & Communications Manager - Knowledge Expert

Mariella Pastori

Innovation Consultant at MPConsulting

Sasa Spasic

Business Design and Innovation

Orlane Perey

Designer & Art Director at Serendipity Agency

Rémi Rivas

Consulting Designer at Rivas Consulting

Fatemeh Ghadamieh

CEO at Limoo

Anne Donnard

Executive Creative Director at Emerson Blue

Yukio Ando

Design Sprint Master at Exa Corporation

Américo Alves


Loïc Volery

Looking for opportunities/ Bachelor of Business Administration (FR/DE), Focus Digital Business

Dardan Iljazi

Full Stack Developer
Thinkspace Rue Etraz 4, 1003 Lausanne – CH
UID: CHE‑438.513.066

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